Miracle happen to those who believe in them

 Miracles will  happen to you too when you begin using the magic power of your subconscious mind. Everyone will ask me what is the subconscious mind?. Ok, let me tell you all. I am in the middle of the book "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind". I have chosen this just because of my curiosity to know about new things. After reading a few pages of this book. I started thinking and related the few words with my day to day life.

I start this from the spiritual one. In our grandma's village there is one temple. Every Year all the people in the village go to that temple to pray for the rain. It's their believe if they pray that god they will get good rain. I am seeing their prayers  from my childhood, their prayers never failed. The rain is coming before they return from temple. How? It's because of hundred's of people believe in that.

 If you ask one successful man , there is their family and themselves believed in their process to reach their successful position.

If you want to wake up at 6o'clock tell to your subconscious mind before you going to sleep. It will definitely wakes you up. I already shared it you all in one of my previous post. In this I am going to tell you all how to start it. Everyone needs to spend at least 10 minutes in silence to relax their body and mind. The people who are doing that will be very healthy and happy from the mind and body.

In our generation most of people use mobile before to their sleep, most of them fell in sleep while using the mobile. You all heard these words from your parent's. Again I am telling you that. It's not good for your eye and mind. Before going to sleep lie on your bed relax your body and mind, then tell to yourself what you want to in life. Make some positive thoughts. Miracle will happen to you too.

                             "Fill your mind with the positive fuel to run your happy life"

                                                                                                                                     Thanks for reading,
                                                                                                                                              Priya K


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